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Get Your Transaction History in a Few Clicks

Tracking transactions is essential for managing personal finances and filing taxes. To make this easier, Topper now offers Transaction History, a feature that generates a complete record of your transactions in a downloadable CSV file.

Getting your transaction history is quick and straightforward, whether you need it for tax reporting or personal record-keeping. Here’s how.

How to Request a Transaction History Report

Requesting your transaction history on Topper is simple. Follow these steps:

  1. Next time you access Topper to make a transaction, either via or through one of our partners, open the menu by clicking the three horizontal lines at the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Click the “Transaction History” option to download your transaction report.
  3. Then, press the “Generate Report” button. You will receive an email with a link to download a CVS file of your entire transaction history. Please be patient; it can take several minutes.
  4. Check your email inbox for Topper's “Transaction History Report” email. Click “Download Report” to download the CVS file.

You can then download and review your full transaction history whenever you need it.

What’s in the Report?

Your transaction history report includes:

  • Every transaction you’ve made on Topper
  • Destination and origin asset details
  • Transaction amount
  • The timestamp of each transaction
  • Transaction type (buy or sell)
  • Fees (amount and asset)

The report format is the same as what you’d find in your wallet, ensuring consistency and clarity.

Get Started Today

Topper’s Transaction History feature makes it easier to keep track of our transactions, organize your finances, and simplify tax reporting. Log in to your account today and generate your report in just a few clicks.

Please note that Uphold and its affiliates do not provide investment, tax, or legal advice. This message is for informational purposes only and takes no account of particular personal or market circumstances, and should not be relied upon as investment, tax, or legal advice. For investment, tax, or legal advice and before taking any action you should consult your own advisors. Note that digital assets such as cryptocurrencies present unique risks for investors. Please see our disclaimer regarding
risks specific to holding digital assets before investing.

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Morgan Burris
Morgan Burris

Marketing Coordinator

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